The Galway Podcast
Your Champion For Galway. The Galway Podcast is an audio magazine of conversations, events, music and craic from Galway, Ireland. Ideal for Galwegians, the Galway diaspora, tourists and anyone who fancies an insight into the one of the coolest counties on the planet. The Galway Podcast is a force of positivity that champions Galway in all its brilliance. The Galway Podcast is produced by Salthill Media which also produces The Ireland Podcast. Please support The Galway Podcast by subscribing, sharing, rating or going to Thanks!

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Episode 16. Writer Frank Fahy has had a varied career as a teacher, journalist, publisher and musician. This episode is promoting his upcoming book A Father’s Love and Other Stories which will be launched at Súil Eile Coffee and Wellness Centre, Barna between 4pm and 6pm on Wednesday, June 14.
One of Frank’s biggest achievements is the founding and running of Write-On. Write-On is a voluntary, not-for-profit community group which consists of authors who critique each others’ work. An anthology of the best material is published every year and Write-On has also honoured certain of their members who have created a body of work of a sufficiently high standard to merit its own publication.
For more information you can visit and you can go to Frank’s book launch which is doubling up as his “surprise birthday party” which he has organised for himself!

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Gerard ‘Gerry’ Mulholland (Jarír al-Majar) Part 2: Funeral
Episode 15. This is the second part of a two part celebration of the life of Jarír al-Majar (Gerry Mulholland). It is a snapshot of memories recorded by some of the friends and family of Gerard Mulholland at the Rahoon Cemetery and Sliding Rock bar, Galway on Monday, 15 May from 12.19p.m. to 5.19p.m.
These memories are presented in the chronological order in which they were recorded, interweaved by recordings of Gerry from the internet. Thank you to everyone who shared their memories and who made recordings of Jarír’s music available on the internet as well as through private messages.
Huge thanks to all the Mulholland family for their blessing for this project to have been given the go ahead, and a special thanks to Breda, Gerard’s twin.
I worked closely with Breda to ensure that Gerard’s memory be treated with the utmost respect that it deserves. It was Breda's grace, dignity and compassion that has made this project a very special one for the memory of Jarír al-Majar.
A final word of appreciation to Jarír al-Majar. The ripples continue after the stone lands at the bottom of the water bed. You were, and continue to be, an inspiration.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ. Alhamdulillah. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. May he rest in peace.
Fender Jackson

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Episode 14. A conversation with Elizabeth Power who is the coordinator for Domestic Violence Response. Although DVR help a mix of all ages this discussion is from the angle of assisting older adults.
This series of talks all spawned from the episodes celebrating the life of the late Jarir al-Majar a.k.a. Gerard 'Gerry' Mulholland. (The second episode is coming very soon!) I thought it would be good to highlight some of the great work charities do for the benefit of older adults.
I reached out to my friend Shannon Corless who is on a sabbatical but is the head of older people's services in HSE. Shannon pointed me in the direction of some fantastic charities. So far this is the second recording to have taken place, the first one being with Jipe Kelly from Age Action. I am hopeful to record some more conversations with other charitable organisations in the future. (I must categorically state that there is no connection between Gerry Mulholland and domestic violence as far as I am aware. By all accounts there was not a bad bone in Gerard's body.)
Although this is only the second conversation with a charity aimed at providing services to older adults there seems to be already a pattern forming: they need help. When I was at the 50 Plus show for the last two days someone told me (from a different organisation) that "these charities are doing the work that the state should be doing." (Ouch!) I am sure that politicians may argue otherwise but in any case these people are doing life-changing work and need all the assistance we can offer. Please do what you can. Go to and do what you can to help.
Thank you,
Fender Jackson

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Episode 13. Age Action have a simple but meaningful vision. They strive:
"For a society that enables all older people to participate and to live full, independent lives."
Jipe Kelly is the Programme Manager for Age Action in the West of Ireland and he joins The Galway Podcast to discuss the vital services that Age Action provides particularly around:
Enabling Older people to become active digital citizens so they can use the internet, smart phones etc.
Age Action's Care & Repair - to enable older people to remain in their own homes, in their own communities, living as independently as possible, through the improvement of their housing conditions and their level of comfort, security and wellbeing. So for example, if someone is discharged from hospital and need to move their bedroom downstairs or perhaps they need grab rails installed.
their development of a community hub which Age Action is piloting which is aimed at providing services to reduce the feeling of isolation among older adults.
For more information please visit or phone 091 527 831
Thank you.
This is Episode 13 of The Galway Podcast.

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Episode 12. To follow on from the highly successful first episode celebrating Jarír al-Majar's life we thought it would be beneficial to run a few episodes highlighting the services and events that are available to people in the older categories.
This first instalment is a conversation with Brian McCabe from Senior Times around what will be on in this year's 50 Plus Show: For people who don't act their age!
The 50 Plus show will be in the Galmont Hotel on the 6th & 7th June. Admission is free by registering at or calling 01 496 9028.
Senior Times has a website, a magazine, a podcast and they run events for those who are over 50. For more information you can go to
Brian is the organiser of the 50 Plus Show as well as director of Senior Times.

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Gerard ‘Gerry’ Mulholland (Jarír al-Majar) Part 1: Wake
Episode 11. This is the first part of a two part celebration of the life of Jarír al-Majar (Gerry Mulholland). It is a snapshot of memories recorded by some of the friends and family of Gerard Mulholland at the O'Flaherty Funeral Parlour, Galway on Saturday, 13 May from 4.18 p.m. to 7.37p.m.
These memories are presented in the chronological order in which they were recorded, interweaved by recordings of Gerry from the internet. Thank you to everyone who shared their memories and who made recordings of Jarír’s music available on the internet as well as through private messages.
Huge thanks to all the Mulholland family for their blessing for this project to have been given the go ahead, and a special thanks to Breda, Gerard’s twin.
I worked closely with Breda to ensure that Gerard’s memory be treated with the utmost respect that it deserves. It was Breda's grace, dignity and compassion that has made this project a very special one for the memory of Jarír al-Majar.
A final word of appreciation to Jarír al-Majar. The ripples continue after the stone lands at the bottom of the water bed. You were, and continue to be, an inspiration.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ. Alhamdulillah. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. May he rest in peace.
Fender Jackson

Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Episode 10. Conversation with Aedín Moloney about her one woman production of 'Yes! Reflections of Molly Bloom'. Aedín discusses her take on the (in)famous soliloquy and why she believes it is actually very misunderstood and arguably quite asexual.
Aedín discusses the collaboration of renowned author and fellow Joyce enthusiast, Colum McCann as well as the deeply personal involvement of her father, the late Paddy Moloney (Musician, Composer, Founder and leader of The Chieftains).
Aedín also reminisces about her childhood days in Galway and why bringing 'Yes! Reflections of Molly Bloom' to the west is a form of homecoming as well as part of her father's dying wish.
For more information please visit:
'Yes! Reflections of Molly Bloom' will be staged in Town Hall Theatre, Galway at 8pm on 30th May 2023. Rating: 16+

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Conversation with Dr. Kevin Lynch from University of Galway about the effects of nature on Galway and the west coast of Ireland and what we can do about it. Three calls to action:
Stay off the sand dunes
Get involved in the planning for tackling flooding
Become a volunteer and turn up to events
Visit Kevin's Blog for more info.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
A walkabout in Clifden, a coastal town in the Connemara region of County Galway. Clifden has a population of about 1,600 people. Chats and insights with the locals, tourists and travellers...and a Guinness World Record Breaker! Special thanks to Marie Walsh for this episode and kudos to her and all the Clifden Traditional Music Festival team for making the event such a success now and for the previous 26 years.

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
A conversation with Dr. Tomás Finn who is a lecturer in University of Galway. Tomás gives a detailed and balanced account of the political goings-on before, during and after the Good Friday Agreement (a.k.a. The Belfast Agreement) which is an international agreement which effectively brought about an end to the 30 year conflict in Northern Ireland.
Correction: Gregory Campbell did not join the civil rights movement.

A Salthill Media Production
The Galway Podcast is an original Salthill Media production. Salthill Media is a community focused organisation that tries to inspire goodness and positivity in the world.
Apart from making The Galway Podcast Salthill Media also provides a range of other services from music production to script writing.
A service which is increasingly popular is one in which people can be interviewed about their lives as a gift for loved ones for future generations to come.
For more information please visit